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1. HBase To Cloud Storage

Required JAR files

Some HBase dependencies are required to be passed when submitting the job. These dependencies are automatically set by script when CATALOG environment variable is set for hbase table configuration. If not, these dependencies need to be passed by using the --jars flag, or, in the case of Dataproc Templates, using the JARS environment variable.

  • Apache HBase Spark Connector dependencies (already mounted in Dataproc Serverless, so you refer to them using file://):

    • file:///usr/lib/spark/external/hbase-spark-protocol-shaded.jar
    • file:///usr/lib/spark/external/hbase-spark.jar
    • All other dependencies are automatically downloaded and set once CATALOG environment variable is used for hbase table configuration. Lib link - hbase-client, hbase-shaded-mapreduce

    Pass the hbase-site.xml to the Job

    There are two ways to do it. One by automatic process and another by manually creating a custom container for dataproc cluster. Both of them are illustrated below-:

  1. Automatic process of creating custom container-: The process is automatically done in the start-up script, when environment variable HBASE_SITE_PATH is set.
  2. Configure the hbase-site.xml manually and create container
  • The hbase-site.xml needs to be available in some path of the container image used by Dataproc Serverless.
  • Reference hbase-site.xml can be used by adding respective values for hbase.rootdir and hbase.zookeeper.quorum
  • A custom container image is required in GCP Container Registry. Refer Dockerfile for reference.
  • Add the following layer to the Dockerfile, for copying your local hbase-site.xml to the container image (below command is added to Dockerfile for reference):
    COPY hbase-site.xml /etc/hbase/conf/
  • You can use and adapt the Dockerfile from the guide above, building and pushing it to GCP Container Registry with:<your_project>/<your_custom_image>:<your_version>
    docker build -t "${IMAGE}" .
    docker push "${IMAGE}"

###General Execution:

It is important to set CATALOG Environment variable here to provide hbase connection and for script to download required dependencies

export GCP_PROJECT=<gcp-project-id>
export REGION=<region>
export SUBNET=<subnet>
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION=<gcs-staging-bucket-folder>
export IMAGE_NAME_VERSION=<name:version of image>
export HBASE_SITE_PATH=<path to hbase-site.xml>
export CATALOG=<catalog of hbase table>
export${GCP_PROJECT}/${IMAGE_NAME_VERSION} #use the image which was created to congigure hbase-site.xml

bin/ \
--container-image=$IMAGE \
--properties='spark.dataproc.driverEnv.SPARK_EXTRA_CLASSPATH=/etc/hbase/conf/'  \
-- --template HBASETOGCS \
--templateProperty hbasetogcs.output.fileformat=<avro|csv|parquet|json|orc>  \
--templateProperty hbasetogcs.output.savemode=<Append|Overwrite|ErrorIfExists|Ignore> \
--templateProperty hbasetogcs.output.path=<output-gcs-path>
--templateProperty hbasetogcs.table.catalog=$CATALOG

###Example Execution -:

export GCP_PROJECT=myproject
export REGION=us-central1
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION=gs://staging_bucket
export SUBNET=projects/myproject/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default
export IMAGE_NAME_VERSION=dataproc-hbase:1
export HBASE_SITE_PATH=src/main/resources/hbase-site.xml
export CATALOG='{"table":{"namespace":"default","name":"my_table"},"rowkey":"key","columns":{"key":{"cf":"rowkey","col":"key","type":"string"},"name":{"cf":"cf","col":"name","type":"string"}}}'
export${GCP_PROJECT}/${IMAGE_NAME_VERSION}  #set this to pass custom image during job submit

bin/ \
--container-image=$IMAGE \
--properties='spark.dataproc.driverEnv.SPARK_EXTRA_CLASSPATH=/etc/hbase/conf/'  \
-- --template HBASETOGCS \
--templateProperty hbasetogcs.output.fileformat=csv \
--templateProperty hbasetogcs.output.savemode=append \
--templateProperty hbasetogcs.output.path=gs://myproject/output  \
--templateProperty hbasetogcs.table.catalog=$CATALOG

##Example Catalog
