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File metadata and controls

67 lines (43 loc) · 1.74 KB

Building the app

There are currently 2 modes:

Data are stored in the browser and can't be shared.
Data are stored on the server.

Note that we're still punting on authentication and user management.

Demo mode


npm install
webpack --env.demo

You have 2 options.

If you're using Chrome:
Open demo/index.html in your browser. If the browser generates a file:: url by following the symbolic link, edit the URL to end in demo/index.html.
If you're using Firefox or Safari

The browsers don't seem to work correctly with file:// urls, so you'll want to host the demo files with a web server. You can use the express server. See express/README.rst

We're mostly developing with Chrome. There are a number of problems using other browsers at this point.

Server mode

To build, run the buildout. This will build the Python app, run npm, and webpack.

Create a local kanban Postgres database. Alternatively, supply an alternate connection string when you run buildout:

bin/buildout database=postgresql://myuser@myhost/dbname

To run:

bin/app fg

(Use start rather than fg to run the server in the background.)

Before accessing the Kanban for the first time, you will need to invite a (bootstrap) user:

bin/emailpw-bootstrap -bd -t "mysite" db.cfg localhost 'Jim Fulton'

This will print an "email" message with a URL, which will look something like:


Opem the URL in your browser. That should present a page to set your password and then log in.