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Releases: VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics


05 Jun 07:44
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Released at 2024-06-05

  • FEATURE: add pack_logfmt pipe for formatting log fields into logfmt messages.

  • FEATURE: allow using IPv4 addresses in range comparison filters. For example, ip:>'' is valid filter now.

  • FEATURE: add ceil() and floor() functions to math pipe.

  • FEATURE: add support for bitwise and, or and xor operations at math pipe.

  • FEATURE: add support for automatic conversion of RFC3339 time and IPv4 addresses into numeric representation at math pipe.

  • FEATURE: add ability to format numeric fields into string representation of time, duration and IPv4 with format pipe.

  • FEATURE: set format field to rfc3164 or rfc5424 depending on the Syslog format parsed via unpack_syslog pipe.

  • BUGFIX: always respect the limit set in limit pipe. Previously the limit could be exceeded in some cases.


03 Jun 23:55
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Released at 2024-06-04


30 May 14:25
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Released at 2024-05-30

  • FEATURE: add row_any function for stats pipe. This function returns a sample log entry per every calculated group of results.

  • FEATURE: add default operator to math pipe. It allows overriding NaN results with the given default value.

  • FEATURE: add exp() and ln() functions to math pipe.

  • FEATURE: allow omitting result name in math pipe expresions. In this case the result name is automatically set to string representation of the corresponding math expression. For example, _time:5m | math duration / 1000 is equivalent to _time:5m | math (duration / 1000) as "duration / 1000".

  • FEATURE: allow omitting result name in stats pipe. In this case the result name is automatically set to string representation of the corresponding stats function expression. For example, _time:5m | count(*) is valid LogsQL query now. It is equivalent to _time:5m | stats count(*) as "count(*)".

  • BUGFIX: properly calculate the number of matching rows in * | field_values x | stats count() rows and in * | unroll (x) | stats count() rows queries.


28 May 23:55
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Released at 2024-05-29

  • FEATURE: allow specifying fields, which must be packed into JSON in pack_json pipe via pack_json fields (field1, ..., fieldN) syntax.

  • BUGFIX: properly apply if (...) filters to calculated results in stats pipe when grouping by fields is enabled. For example, _time:5m | stats by (host) count() logs, count() if (error) errors now properly calculates per-host errors.


28 May 20:18
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Released at 2024-05-28

  • FEATURE: add extract_regexp pipe for extracting arbitrary substrings from log fields with RE2 egular expressions.
  • FEATURE: add math pipe for mathematical calculations over log fields.
  • FEATURE: add field_values pipe, which returns unique values for the given log field.
  • FEATURE: allow omitting stats prefix in stats pipe. For example, _time:5m | count() rows is a valid query now. It is equivalent to _time:5m | stats count() as rows.
  • FEATURE: allow omitting filter prefix in filter pipe if the filter doesn't clash with pipe names. For example, _time:5m | stats by (host) count() rows | rows:>1000 is a valid query now. It is equivalent to _time:5m | stats by (host) count() rows | filter rows:>1000.
  • FEATURE: allow head pipe without number. For example, error | head. In this case 10 last values are returned as head Unix command does by default.
  • FEATURE: allow using comparison filters with strings. For example, some_text_field:>="foo" matches log entries with some_text_field field values bigger or equal to foo.


26 May 00:08
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Released at 2024-05-26

  • FEATURE: add support for comments in multi-line LogsQL queries. See these docs.

  • BUGFIX: properly apply in(...) filter inside if (...) conditions at various pipes. This bug has been introduced in v0.12.0.


25 May 19:45
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Released at 2024-05-26

  • FEATURE: add pack_json pipe, which packs all the log fields into a JSON object and stores it into the given field.

  • FEATURE: add unroll pipe, which can be used for unrolling JSON arrays stored in log fields.

  • FEATURE: add replace_regexp pipe, which allows updating log fields with regular expressions.

  • FEATURE: improve performance for format and extract pipes.

  • FEATURE: improve performance for /select/logsql/field_names HTTP API.

  • BUGFIX: prevent from panic in sort pipe when VictoriaLogs runs on a system with one CPU core.

  • BUGFIX: do not return referenced fields if they weren't present in the original logs. For example, _time:5m | format if (non_existing_field:"") "abc" could return empty non_exiting_field, while it shuldn't be returned because it is missing in the original logs.

  • BUGFIX: properly initialize values for in(...) filter inside filter pipe if the in(...) contains other filters. For example, _time:5m | filter ip:in(user_type:admin | fields ip) now works correctly.


24 May 22:34
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Released at 2024-05-25


24 May 01:15
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Released at 2024-05-24

  • FEATURE: return the number of matching log entries per returned value in HTTP API results. This simplifies detecting field / stream values with the biggest number of logs for the given LogsQL query.

  • FEATURE: improve performance for regexp filter in the following cases:

    • If the regexp contains just a phrase without special regular expression chars. For example, ~"foo".
    • If the regexp starts with .* or ends with .*. For example, ~".*foo.*".
    • If the regexp contains multiple strings delimited by |. For example, ~"foo|bar|baz".
    • If the regexp contains multiple words. For example, ~"foo bar baz".
  • FEATURE: allow disabling automatic unquoting of the matched placeholders in extract pipe. See these docs.

  • BUGFIX: properly parse ! in front of exact filter, exact-prefix filter and regexp filter. For example, !~"some regexp" is properly parsed as not ="some regexp". Previously it was incorrectly parsed as '~="some regexp"' phrase filter.

  • BUGFIX: properly sort results by _time field when limit pipe is applied. For example, _time:5m | sort by (_time) desc | limit 10 properly works now.


22 May 21:29
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Released at 2024-05-22

  • BUGFIX: web UI: fix loading web UI, which has been broken in v0.9.0.