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Pull requests: kubernetes/kubernetes

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Pull requests list

Order ScalingReplicaSet message from->to cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125118 opened May 24, 2024 by jsoref Loading…
Make the output of kubectl describe service more informative area/kubectl cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/cli Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG CLI. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125117 opened May 24, 2024 by tnqn Loading…
RFC: DRA: remove "source" indirection from v1 Pod API area/code-generation area/kubelet area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/api-change Categorizes issue or PR as related to adding, removing, or otherwise changing an API kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/scheduling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scheduling. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/XL Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125116 opened May 24, 2024 by pohly Loading…
Improve progress notify to have more correct and predictable period of triggering area/apiserver cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125115 opened May 24, 2024 by serathius Loading…
Fix flaky test: Driver: hostPathSymlink area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/flake Categorizes issue or PR as related to a flaky test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125114 opened May 24, 2024 by carlory Loading…
update cni from 1.4.1 to 1.5.0 area/provider/gcp Issues or PRs related to gcp provider area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/cloud-provider Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cloud Provider. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125113 opened May 24, 2024 by bzsuni Loading…
Add logging to show which unexpected events were received in kubectl events e2e test approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. kind/flake Categorizes issue or PR as related to a flaky test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/cli Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG CLI. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125110 opened May 23, 2024 by brianpursley Loading…
Fix race conditions and deadlocks in Reflector cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. kind/flake Categorizes issue or PR as related to a flaky test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125107 opened May 23, 2024 by karlkfi Loading…
[wip] add field and label selectors to authorization attributes approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/apiserver cncf-cla: no Indicates the PR's author has not signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125106 opened May 23, 2024 by deads2k Loading…
serviceaccount: use generics to remove runtime type checks during validation approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#125104 opened May 23, 2024 by enj Loading…
[FG:InPlacePodVerticalScaling] Expand coverage for TestGenerateLinuxContainerResources area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125103 opened May 23, 2024 by hjet Loading…
Add unit tests to client-go/tools/cache/listers.go area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125102 opened May 23, 2024 by 0xMALVEE Loading…
store validatingadmissionpolicy and bindings at v1 area/apiserver area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#125101 opened May 23, 2024 by alexzielenski Loading…
WIP: ginkgo --label-filter extensions area/apiserver area/cloudprovider area/code-generation area/dependency Issues or PRs related to dependency changes area/e2e-test-framework Issues or PRs related to refactoring the kubernetes e2e test framework area/kube-proxy area/kubectl area/kubelet area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/architecture Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Architecture. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. sig/cli Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG CLI. sig/cloud-provider Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cloud Provider. sig/cluster-lifecycle Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cluster Lifecycle. sig/instrumentation Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Instrumentation. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125100 opened May 23, 2024 by pohly Loading…
volumebinding: scheduler queueing hints - CSINode cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/scheduling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scheduling. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125097 opened May 23, 2024 by YamasouA Loading…
[DO-NOT-MERGE] Show verify script of 124898 works area/code-generation cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/api-change Categorizes issue or PR as related to adding, removing, or otherwise changing an API kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. kind/failing-test Categorizes issue or PR as related to a consistently or frequently failing test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. size/XL Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125095 opened May 23, 2024 by alexzielenski Loading…
Debug progress notifier area/apiserver area/release-eng Issues or PRs related to the Release Engineering subproject area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125094 opened May 23, 2024 by serathius Draft
[WIP] add test to assert expected behavior on wrapped ResponseWriter area/apiserver cncf-cla: no Indicates the PR's author has not signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/XXL Denotes a PR that changes 1000+ lines, ignoring generated files.
#125093 opened May 23, 2024 by tkashem Loading…
[release-1.30] Bump konnectivity-client to v0.30.3 area/apiserver area/cloudprovider area/dependency Issues or PRs related to dependency changes area/provider/gcp Issues or PRs related to gcp provider cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. sig/cloud-provider Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cloud Provider. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125091 opened May 23, 2024 by azimjohn Loading… v1.30
remove volumeoptions from VolumePlugin and BlockVolumePlugin area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125087 opened May 23, 2024 by carlory Loading…
add exponential backoff in NodeResourceSlices controller area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test. priority/important-longterm Important over the long term, but may not be staffed and/or may need multiple releases to complete. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#125086 opened May 23, 2024 by oxxenix Loading…
client-go: only filter PATCH events cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/instrumentation Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Instrumentation. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125084 opened May 23, 2024 by huww98 Loading…
Bump konnectivity-client to v0.30.3 area/apiserver area/cloudprovider area/dependency Issues or PRs related to dependency changes area/provider/gcp Issues or PRs related to gcp provider cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. sig/cloud-provider Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cloud Provider. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125083 opened May 23, 2024 by azimjohn Loading…
KEP 3836 - v1.31 update [promote to GA] cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#125082 opened May 23, 2024 by alexanderConstantinescu Loading…
Automated cherry pick of #124883: kubectl create cronjobs: Manually set OwnerReferences approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/kubectl cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. kind/regression Categorizes issue or PR as related to a regression from a prior release. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. sig/cli Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG CLI. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#125081 opened May 23, 2024 by ardaguclu Loading… v1.30
ProTip! What’s not been updated in a month: updated:<2024-04-24.